Electric Artefacts: "Uno, Nessuno, Centomila"

Currently exhibiting as part of a group show curated by Umanesimo Aritificiale featuring alongside: Mike Tyka, Lorem, Moisés Horta Valenzuela, Chris Kore, Isabella Salas x Nora Golic, Giovanni Muzio and Pat Pataranutaporn. You can read about the show here and Nina Lissone’s reflections on mine and Pataranutaporn’s work here. Until 9 Apr 2021, you can also see the show online.

Umanesimo Artificiale and Electric Artefacts present a group show that brings together nine artists whose practices revolve around artificial intelligence and the fluidity of identity in virtual spaces.

The transformational period in human history we are living in raises the issue of the continuous definition and re-definition of ourselves.  In a world where physical and digital identities are less and less separated, the restless search for an identity independent of others’ preconceptions may lead us to simultaneously fall without a self and exist immersed in a cloud of hundred thousands selves.  

At the current stage of artificial intelligence design, we have to decide whether we want it to merely serve us, or to challenge and augment our many self-states. Can interacting with an artificial intelligent agent help us introspect and understand who we are?

The exhibition, curated by Umanesimo Artificiale, references  the novel "One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand" by the Nobel prize-winning Luigi Pirandello, and explores the notion of self in the digital realm.