
Wellcome Genome Campus commission, 2017-201931 x 31.5 cm, 206 pages Hard bound

Wellcome Genome Campus commission, 2017-2019

31 x 31.5 cm, 206 pages
Hard bound

Genetopia is a collection of stories of 23 individuals who did DNA tests for reasons ranging across curiosity, health, identity, paternity. The stories are collected in a book that is on permanent display at the Wellcome Genome Campus conference centre.

Since the project began, the story of genetics has had a tumultuous journey. Genetic testing has been used to store GIFs, identify remains, solve crimes, reunite families, break families apart. An attempt was made in Kuwait to create a nationwide DNA database. The scientific papers flow thick and fast with debate and disproof. But underneath the headlines is a very human story, the story of people who wanted to find something out, for reasons of health, ancestry, curiosity, scientific enquiry, and how that knowledge affected their perceptions and experiences of their own identity. This is the story that Genetopia tells.

Genetopia was made in collaboration with Dr. Anna Middleton, Head of Society and Ethics Research at Connecting Science, Wellcome Genome Campus and is on permanent display in the conference centre.


Wellcome Genome Campus commission, 2017-2019

21 x 21 cm, 206 pages
Hard bound

Limited edition of 23